Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding Policies
Last reviewed: 31 January 2023
Child Protection
Vulnerable Adults
Designated Safeguarding: Axa Hynes
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Jessica Straker
Safeguarding - Safeguarding is a term used in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Australia to denote measures to protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals, which allow people—especially children, young people and vulnerable adults—to live free from abuse, harm and neglect.
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - In educational settings, a DSL is an appointed individual responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of children. This role includes overseeing child protection policies, procedures, and practices, as well as coordinating with relevant authorities and agencies when necessary. The designated safeguarding lead serves as the main point of contact for staff, parents, and external organisations regarding safeguarding concerns and plays a crucial role in promoting a safe and supportive environment for all children.
Child - A child is typically defined as a young human being who is not yet an adult. This period of life is characterised by growth, development, and learning. The exact age range that defines childhood may vary depending on cultural, legal, and social perspectives. In general, a child is considered to be someone between infancy and adolescence.
Adult at Risk - Adults at risk refer to individuals who may be vulnerable or facing potential harm due to various factors such as age, physical or mental health conditions, disabilities, or social circumstances. This term is often used in the context of safeguarding and support services to highlight those who may be at higher risk of abuse, neglect, exploitation, or other forms of harm. Identifying and providing targeted assistance to adults at risk is essential to ensure their well-being and protection in society.
Young Person - A "young person" typically refers to an individual who is generally considered to be someone in their teenage years or early adulthood.
Staff - Staff refers to all employees, freelance facilitators and collaborators of We Are Bridge.
Mission Statement & Commitment to Safeguarding
We Are Bridge believes every child, young person and adult has the right to live free from abuse and/or neglect regardless of age, ability or disability, sex, race, religions, ethnic ordinal, sexual orientation, marital or gender status.
We Are Bridge will not tolerate the abuse of children, young people and adults in any of its forms. We Are Bridge has a zero tolerance policy regarding the abuse and exploitation of children, young people and adults. We Are Bridge staff, visitors, and volunteers are prohibited from engaging in any form of abuse or exploitation.
We Are Bridge therefore, has a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children young people and adults and to keep them safe. We are fully committed to practice in a way that safeguards them and the people they work with.
To ensure this practice all directors and staff have participated in FAA accredited Safeguarding Level 3 training delivered by SAFE CIC. All staff, freelancers and volunteers have to adhere to our Safeguarding Policies. Our policy and procedures are widely promoted and are mandatory for everyone involved in We are Bridge. Failure to comply with the policy and procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation.